Holy Mass is the center of Christian life. The Holy Eucharist is theologically speaking the most important and sacred ritual and sacrament of all Christian denominations. Including Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox believers. The Holy Mass is the way to it. A small piece of bread that becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The Holy Mass is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience. In this blog post, we will explore its structure and its importance for your salvation and salvation for eternity.
What is the Holy Mass?
The Holy Mass is a catholic church ritual ceremony in which bread and wine are consecrated as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It takes place on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation and every day at churches around the world depending upon local traditions. The Council of Trent defines the Holy Mass as follows:
"To work eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12), Christ willed to offer Himself ONCE to the Father on the altar of the Cross. His priesthood, however, was not to cease with His death. Therefore, at the Last Supper, he offered his body and blood under the forms of bread and wine to God the Father, intending to leave to his Church a sacrifice by which the bloody sacrifice to be offered ONCE on the cross would be made present, the memory of it would be kept until the end of the world, and its saving power would be applied to the remission of the sins which are daily committed by us." (Trid. Sess. XXXII, c.I).
"Behold I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
(Matthew 28:20)
What happens at Holy Mass? Structure and Meaning
The Holy Mass fulfills the following purposes: Adoration to God, Thanksgiving to God, Expiation for our sins and those of others (so that we can be purified), Supplication for all needs. It has a liturgical structure which is as follows:
Entrance prayers such as the Kyrie, Gloria (Glory to God), Liturgy of the Word (Bible Reading, Homily, Gospel, Creed). This is followed by the preparation of the gifts (of bread and wine), which is followed by the Eucharistic celebration itself (sacrificial service). The core components of the sacrificial service are prayers of supplication for the acceptance of the sacrifice, for communion with the saints, and the consecration. The consecration takes place through the high prayer of the priest.
Jesus, through the priest, transforms the gifts of bread and wine into his body and blood, as he did at the Last Supper. Thus he offers himself to the heavenly Father for his salvation of the world. He offers himself as on the cross, taking into his perfect sacrifice our imperfect one.
Then comes the reception of the sacred food (communion). We receive Christ in the bread of God. The union with Him is for the salvation of soul and body. Filled with his power and enlivened by his love, we form a holy community of brothers and sisters among ourselves.
Final prayer, dismissal, and benediction conclude the Mass.
Why is the Holy Mass a sacrifice?
Holy Mass is a Holy Sacrifice: Christ's Body and Blood are present in the Holy Eucharist. This happens through Transubstantiation which is a change of substance by Holy consecration. It also offers the Holy Sacrifice of Christ, which was prefigured in Old Testament or Jewish Holy sacrifices, which were the reason why all Holy Masses are offered in remembrance of Christ's Sacrifice.
Why Holy Mass is important?
Regarding its value we quote again from the Council of Trent as the most reliable source:
"Every Holy Mass is, according to its purpose, a sacrifice of adoration, thanksgiving, expiation, and supplication, and therefore can and should be offered for the various needs of the Church and of the individual, for the remission of sins, for the satisfaction of sins, for the living and the dead."
The Holy Sacrifice of Holy Mass is offered because it pleases God Almighty who desires to see us praising Him through His divine work. It is the source of graces and blessings, it brings many fruits to our souls. The Holy Mass has power over devils because everything that God blesses has power. It is holy because it sanctifies us, the Church, and brings peace to all humanity. It is holy through its Holy Sacrifice. Holy Mass is also holy because it sanctifies all who participate in the Holy Sacrament of Holy Altar to receive Jesus Christ.
United with Christ and newly strengthened by His blessing, we boldly go forth to the duties and tasks of daily life.
Therefore, attending this mass is very important and highly beneficial!
What does it mean when we say that we "receive" or "take" Communion at Mass
To receive Communion is to receive Christ Himself in the Holy Eucharist, which consists of a consecrated piece of bread. This sacred act is performed by the priest by direct mouth offering in the kneeling state, who hands over the Holy Communion from a golden chalice.
How does Holy Mass help your spiritual life?
This unique Mass helps my spiritual life by uniting me with Jesus Christ. Through the sacrifice and reception of the Bread of God during Communion. Holy Mass also helps me to be close to the people of God through the Holy Spirit. Finally, it reminds us of what really matters - eternity!
How to prepare for mass?
We should receive Holy Communion with great reverence and respect. This includes, first of all, being in the state of sanctifying grace. That is, without grave sin. Through a sincere and penitent Holy Confession with the help of a priest, you can achieve this state.
When you receive Holy Communion at Mass, make sure you do it kneeling and by mouth communion - this shows that you have respect for what you are receiving! If it should be difficult or health reasons prevent you from kneeling, it is also allowed to stand exceptionally.
Last but not least, no food should have been received two to three hours before.
Holy Mass is the center of our Christian lives. It's where we meet Jesus Christ, truly present in Holy Communion under the appearances of bread and wine. The Holy Eucharist is truly amazing because Jesus Christ becomes present in ways that cannot be compared to any other times in our lives. Holy Mass is the way to it and one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience!
If you’ve been struggling with your spiritual life, it may be time for a change. This Mass is the perfect way to re-center and recommit to your faith. Confession can help too! But if we're being honest, there's nothing like getting up on Sunday morning and going out of our way to attend Holy Mass. It reconnects us not only with God but also in community with other Catholics who are striving together towards heaven. So go ahead and then get ready because you're about to start living more fully as a Christian. Something that will bring joy into every area of your life starting right now. This Mass is awesome! It's definitely worth going to every Sunday.