March 23

God is greater than the Highs and Lows

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You might have already seen the phrase "God is greater than the highs and lows" (abbreviated: G>AV).  The highs and lows of life can feel like we are on a roller coaster. In such moments we might feel that God is far away and not able to reach us. However, this idea of "God as a mere bystander" couldn't be farther from the truth. God is always present, not only when things are going well. The Bible tells us about how God can be found in every aspect of our life. The phrase God is greater than the highs and lows expresses the greatness of God. He is greater than all the ups and downs of life. He still loves you even when you don't get what you want or make mistakes in your life. We will explore some scriptures that show that no matter what happens in your life, God can take care of anything.

God is the Alpha and the Omega

God is greater than the highs and lows because He is the Alpha and Omega. He has created the universe and our tiny earth, compared with the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe. He commands all power and authority over everything on earth. In reality, God is so much bigger than anything in the world.

There are many things we do not understand about who God really is. But one thing remains true: the merciful God stands over every sinner with open arms. Even if you are not spiritual or religious.

He sees our every secret thought, hears all our unspoken words. Even when we are at our lowest point, God still loves us unconditionally. All of his promises to love us and never leave or forsake us can't fit on this page. We just have to believe that they're true with all our hearts. Because nothing else in life brings more happiness or joy than knowing how much God loves you.

God is greater than anything this world can offer me or take from me! In Him, there are no highs nor lows. There is only eternal victory through our beloved Savior Jesus Christ! He lives in eternity with God the Father. And with those redeemed by him on earth.

Meaning of God is greater than the highs and lows

The phrase means that God is greater than the highs and lows in life. Regardless of good times or bad, God is greater than the things that make us happy or sad. When we experience something good, such as a great day or event, it's easy to forget about how much worse our lives could be. But when things start going wrong, like losing your job or having family problems, those same thoughts can hold us down from experiencing good moments.

The abbreviation symbol is also popularly used for missionary purposes on clothing or other merchandise such as cups, t-shirts, or bags. Some believers even get the symbol as a tattoo. However, tattoo design is not compatible with Christianity because it is not allowed according to the Scripture.

"God is greater than the highs and lows" explanation of the Highs

The "highs" in the phrase "God is greater than our ups and downs" are the times when we experience great success or prosperity. It can be easy for us to forget God when things are going well and we are consumed by great things. King Nebuchadnezzar glorified himself when he looked at his great wealth and prosperity. He forgot that his success and prosperity came from God. And God the Father was greater than his wealth. And it was God to whom he should have been grateful for his success. He fell under God's judgment and ate grass like an ox for seven years. Often in our daily lives, we forget all the gifts and blessings that are bestowed upon us. We need to remember that if things go well for a while, that doesn't mean everything will be good forever. Especially in good times, we should not stop praying to Him.

"God is greater than the highs and lows" explanation of the Lows

The "lows" in the phrase are times when we go through hard things, such as physical or mental suffering. They are times when we experience great adversity or difficulty. In these times when our faith suffers trials, we should remember God's love for us. He is always there, with open arms, ready to help and give us strength. When things are going well, it can be easy to think that we don't need God. But at some point, that same God turns His face away from us for a time to teach us something more valuable about who He really is. Unfortunately, man needs defeats to learn humility. And to trust in the power of our Creator.

What does the Bible say about God is greater than the highs and lows?

There are numerous bible verses that refer to the phrase "God is greater than the highs and lows".
They are many about God's greatness.

In Matthew 28:20 Jesus Christ said, "I am with you always, to the end of the age." So God doesn't just show up at certain points. He shows Himself all the time! God loves to be as close to His children in difficult times as He is in happy times.

1 John 5:9-10: "If we accept the testimony of men, yet the testimony of God stands higher. But this is the testimony of God: he has testified of his Son. Whoever believes in the Son has the testimony of God in him."

In John 14:26, the Scripture says, "I leave you with a Comforter," Jesus said. Comforter is another name for the Holy Spirit. We should follow his guidance as he leads us to Jesus as the true guide.

Psalm 34:19 says, "the Lord is near to those who are brokenhearted."

1 John 3:20: "If our heart reproaches us, God is greater than our heart. He knows everything.."

God knows everything, all your thoughts, all your feelings, even how many hairs you have on your head. God is greater than the ups and downs of life because He never leaves us. Especially in our darkest moments, He does not abandon us. In fact, that's when we need Him the most. Scripture reminds us that God has always been there for us. Even when it has been difficult at times to feel his presence. He is right there beside me on days when everything feels like a struggle. He wants to give us comfort in spite of everything.

How to live with Highs and Lows?

The highs will inevitably give way to the lows. And the other way around. But it's important not to let the lows get us down. For they are moments in our lives that will pass, and we must endure them with all their pains and joys. Both phases are part of a life of faith. We can remember those moments when we feel that God has abandoned us when he was there for us. If only by supporting us in such a way that we could get through the difficult times again without giving up hope.

Three steps to give you peace

The practical application of the phrase can be along the lines of: "No matter how unfavorable things are going for you or what you're going through, stay firm in your faith."

Three steps to give you peace in lifeThe following three steps will help you cope with the ups and downs in your life:

1) Be faithful (to God's laws).

2) Be thankful to the Lord in prayer

3) Praise the Lord Jesus Christ

For more information, click here.

Living with ups and downs is a challenge, and it takes practice. But with the grace of God, it can be overcome.

With God on our side, we can do anything!

God wants to be a reality in your life today

When life gets difficult, it's important to remember that everything will work out for the good in the end. Because our Creator always knows what is best for us. God wants to become a reality in your life today. He is waiting for you with open arms! You are loved by a perfect Father. He has promised you not only eternity with Him in heaven but also blessings for our earthly lives. At work, at home, at school. Everywhere you go. Isn't that a reason to celebrate? Yes!


The Bible tells us that God is greater than all the highs and lows. So there must be a reason for everything that happens in our lives. It is important to remember that God is always there for us, no matter how we are feeling. He is not only a source of hope when things are going well. He also helps us keep our heads on straight through all of life's ups and downs! When things seem the bleakest, remember: as long as you put your faith in Jesus Christ, there will be peace. Be faithful, be thankful, praise the Lord! I hope this blog has been helpful to you. God bless you.

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