Prayer to the Holy Spirit is an important part of Christian tradition. It leaves one with a sense of peace and comfort after reciting the following prayers.
What is a prayer to the holy spirit?
In prayer to the Holy Spirit we ask for help and divine assistance in difficult situations or needs. Prayer to the holy spirit may be said as a prayer for oneself or it may be offered on behalf of another.
Why should you pray to the holy spirit?
Prayer is a very personal and direct way to connect with God. Prayer gives us strength and guidance in difficult times. The Holy Spirit can help us know what to do when we are faced with difficult decisions. Prayer can help us get closer to God and become more holy. Prayers are especially effective during a Holy Mass and the Eucharist.
Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Veni, Sancte Spititus - Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love.
Come, Holy Spirit, kindle in me the fire of Your love.
Breathe in me, Holy Spirit, that I may think holy things.
Drive me, Holy Spirit, to do holy things.
Entice me, Holy Spirit, that I may love holy things.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, that I may guard the holy things.
Keep me, Holy Spirit, that I may never lose what is holy
(St. Augustine)
Come, O Spirit of Holiness!
From the Missal's Pentecost sequence:
Come, O Spirit of Holiness! From the glory of heaven.
Send forth Thy ray of light! Father of all the poor Thou,
Light and rest to all hearts, Come with Thy gifts in number!
Comforter in loneliness, refreshment full of sweetness,
Come, sweet friend of the soul! In weariness give rest,
In the blaze breathe cooling, comfort him who weeps desolate.
O light of bliss, make our hearts ready for Thee,
Penetrate our souls! Without Your living breath
Nothing in man can stand, nothing can be without flaw and blemish.
Wash what is stained, heal what is wounded,
Water that which is dry. Bend what is hardened,
warm that which is cold, guide that which goes astray.
Holy Spirit, we beseech Thee, give us all graciously
of Thy gifts sevenfold. Give us the reward of virtue,
Let us stand at Thy throne and rejoice in Heaven's hall. Amen.
Come, Creator Spirit
From the Breviary:
Come, Creator, Spirit, enter with us, visit the heart of the children of Thine!
Fill us all with Your grace, which Your power has created.
Thou who art called the Comforter, from the Most High God a Pledge of Grace.
Thou stream of life, light, love and glow, anointing of the soul, highest good.
O treasure that adorns sevenfold, O finger of God that guides us.
Gift promised by the Father, You who makes tongues speak.
Light in us Thy light of grace, Pour love into the heart that lacks it.
Strengthen our body's frailty with Your power at all times!
Drive far from us the enemy's power, in Thy peace keep us;
That, guided by Thy light, we may not fall into sin and sorrow.
Grant that through Thee we may know the Father and also the Son here,
And that as the Spirit of both we may always firmly believe Thee.
Praise be to the Father on the throne and to His risen Son,
the Holy Spirit also always, from this time forth and for evermore. Amen.
V. Send forth Your Spirit and all things will be made new.
R. And You will renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray! God, You have instructed the hearts of Your faithful through the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Grant that in this Spirit we may understand what is right and may always enjoy His comfort: Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer from Popes
"Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, come into our hearts! Give to the nations Your light and clarity, so that they may become one in faith and thus please You!"
"Holy Spirit, Creator, graciously assist the Catholic Church! Give her strength and firmness through Your heavenly power against the onslaughts of her enemies! By Your love and grace, renew the spirit of Your servants whom You have anointed, so that in You they may glorify the Father and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
"Holy Spirit, welcome guest in my soul, stay with me, and grant that I may always remain in You."
Prayer before important meetings
God Holy Spirit, we are gathered here. Though our sins burden us; yet it is You who have brought us together. Come to us, be with us, enter our hearts! Teach us what to do, where to turn! Show us what we must do to please God in everything with Your help. You alone shall inspire and determine our decisions; for You alone possess honor and glory with God the Father and His Son. Thou lovest righteousness: let us not therefore trespass against it! Let ignorance not lead us astray, let not human favor influence us; let no false regard for offices and persons mislead us! Rather, by Your grace, unite us so firmly with You that we are one in You and do not deviate from the truth in anything. We are gathered in Your name; so grant that we may do justice and love in everything, so that we may always agree with You in our intentions here, and so that we may one day receive an everlasting reward for our right deeds. Amen.
Daily Prayer to the Holy Spirit
By Cardinal H. Ed. Manning (1892):
O God Holy Spirit, whom I have despised, grieved and rejected from my childhood to this day, reveal to me Your personality, Your presence, Your power! Let me know Your sevenfold gifts - the spirit of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and strength, of science, of piety, and of the fear of God. O You who are the Spirit of the Father and of the Son, who baptize with fire and pour out the love of God into our hearts, pour out Your love into my heart! One thing, O Lord, I have asked of Thee - that I will seek, not riches, rank, power, earthly home and earthly happiness - but a ray of this holy light, a spark of this holy fire, that may kindle me, and immerse me wholly in the fire of love! Let this holy fire shine in me, so that it eradicates in me every remnant of sin in body and soul. Purify me sevenfold with Your gifts! Make of me a holy and wholly acceptable sacrifice! Set me on fire with zeal and let me melt in repentance, that I may live the life and die the death of a truly penitent sinner. Amen.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill me! O Spirit of the Father, revive me! O Spirit of the Son, deliver me!
O eternal love, penetrate me! With Your fire enkindle me! With Your light, enlighten me!
Living spring, water me! From my sins cleanse me! From the perverse spirit of the age remove me!
By Your consolation refresh me! By Your anointing strengthen me! By Your grace guide me!
By Your angel protect me! From Thee let me never depart! God, Holy Spirit, hear me!
Thy finger of grace touch me! Pour into me the stream of virtue! Strengthen me with Your graces!
With Thy fruits feed me! Protect me from the evil enemy! Anoint me for the last battle!
In the hour of death protect me! To You then let me come, so that with all the saints I may praise
Praise the Father, Son, and Thee, O mild Comforter, forever. Amen.
Devotion to the Holy Spirit
In the presence of heaven and earth, which are full of Your glory, and in adoration before Your divine majesty, we offer ourselves today, body and soul, to You, God, eternal Spirit! Guide our thoughts that we may always hear Your voice and follow Your gentle promptings. Give us grace, O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and of the Son, to be able to say always and everywhere, "Lord, speak, Thy servant hears!"
O Spirit of Wisdom! Guide our thoughts, our words and works, from now until the hour of our death.
O spirit of understanding! Enlighten and teach us!
O spirit of counsel! Advise us that we may know what is pleasing to Thee!
O Spirit of strength! Strengthen our weakness!
O Spirit of Science! Scare away our ignorance!
O Spirit of piety! Give us grace to persevere in the good way!
O spirit of fear! Deliver us from every evil!
O eternal love! Let us love You as the Father loves You from eternity and the Son in the Father.
Give us the strength and the grace to act always and everywhere in peace and joy, with patience and gentleness, goodness and longsuffering, with meekness and faithfulness. Grant that the heavenly fruits of temperance, abstinence, and purity may adorn the temple You have chosen as Your dwelling place. O Spirit of holiness, may the working power of Your grace sanctify our earthly way of life and lead us to eternal joys.
Holy Spirit, lead all peoples to Your truth! Fill the messengers of faith with light and strength, as You filled the apostles on the feast of Pentecost. Pour the spirit of love into all Christian hearts, that they may be one heart and one soul. Amen
May the Holy Spirit become more and more the center of our prayer! This is what the Bride of the Holy Spirit, Mary, asks of us!
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us - Christ, hear us
God the Father from heaven, have mercy on us God the Son, Savior of the world, hear us
God Holy Spirit, hear us
Holy Trinity, one God, hear us
Holy Spirit, of the same majesty with the Father and the Son, hear us
Holy Spirit, worshipped and glorified with the Father and the Son at the same time, hear us
Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of all life Spirit of faith, hope and love Spirit of truth and love, hear us
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, hear us
Spirit of counsel and strength, hear us
Spirit of science and piety Spirit of the fear of the Lord, hear us
Spirit of joy and peace, hear us
Spirit of humility and meekness, hear us
Spirit of patience and longsuffering, hear us
Spirit of kindness and mercy, hear us
Spirit of chastity and virginity, hear us
Spirit of faithfulness and truthfulness, hear us
Spirit of holiness and justice, hear us
Spirit of perfection, hear us
Spirit of God's chosen children, hear us
Be gracious to us - spare us, O Lord
Be gracious to us - hear us, O Lord
From all evil - deliver us, O Lord
From all sin - deliver us, O Lord
From the pursuits of the wicked enemy - deliver us, O Lord
From unbelief and superstition - deliver us, O Lord
From pusillanimity and despair - deliver us, O Lord
From foolish presumption - deliver us, O Lord
From reluctance against the known truth - deliver us, O Lord
From a hardened and unrepentant heart - deliver us, O Lord
From all enmity and spitefulness against our neighbors - deliver us, O Lord
From all dishonesty - deliver us, O Lord
From all untruthfulness - deliver us, O Lord
From pride and arrogance - deliver us, O Lord
From envy and jealousy - deliver us, O Lord
From all superficiality and blindness of spirit - deliver us, O Lord
At the hour of our death - deliver us, O Lord
We poor sinners - we beseech thee, hear us
That you would guide and preserve our holy Church - we pray, hear us
That you would enlighten and strengthen the Holy Father and all the bishops - we ask you, hear us.
that you would sanctify our pastors - we pray, hear us
That you would give one heart and one soul to the whole Christian people - we pray, hear us.
That you would lead all who err to the knowledge of the truth and to the unity of the faith - we ask you, hear us.
That you would give lasting peace to all nations - we pray, hear us
That you would fill the faithful with your gifts - we pray, hear us.
That you would lead the souls of the departed into eternal joy - we pray, hear us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
V. Send forth your Spirit, and all things will be made new. (Alleluia.)
A. And you will renew the face of the earth. (Alleluia.)
Let us pray.
O God, you have taught the hearts of the faithful by the illumination of the Holy Spirit; grant that in this spirit we may know what is right, and enjoy his consolation always. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grant, O Lord, that the power of the Holy Spirit may be with us, that it may purify our hearts and guard them from all evil. Grant, O almighty, merciful God, that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, may enlighten us and instruct us in all truth, as your Son promised. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Holy spirit novena
The Holy Spirit Novena is a nine-day fervent prayer to the third divine person for nine consecutive days. Come, Holy Spirit, Father of the poor, giver of graces, light of hearts, best comforter, dear guest of the soul, gentle rest!
I pray to you: Cleanse, refresh and sanctify my soul. Grant me your grace, abundant virtue, a pious life, a holy death, and the eternal joy of heaven. With confidence I implore you: Give me more and more your light and enkindle me with your love. God Holy Spirit, whom I have so often grieved and rejected, reveal to me your personality, your presence, your power. Give me the gift of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and strength, of science, of piety and the fear of God. Pour out your love into my heart. Give me a ray of your holy light, a spark of your holy fire. Let me be completely immersed in your divine love, so that all marbles of sin may be extinguished in me. Adorn me with your 12 fruits and let me live and die in you and become eternally happy. Amen.
Ask for the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Come, O spirit of wisdom! Teach my heart to learn to appreciate and love heavenly goods and to prefer them to all earthly goods. Help me to be always ready to give up all the honors, riches, and pleasures of this world rather than lose your grace and eternal salvation. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be....
Come, O spirit of understanding! Enlighten my soul, so that I may rightly comprehend all the mysteries of salvation and your revelations and accept them with a believing heart. Dignify me to see God in your light one day. Let me know you perfectly in heaven with the Father and the Son, from whom you proceed. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be....
Come, O Spirit of counsel! Assist me in all needs, concerns and doubts. Let me always recognize and choose the right thing. Give me the grace to follow your promptings faithfully, to observe the commandments carefully, and to inherit eternal life. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be....
Come, O Spirit of Strength! Give strength and steadfastness to my heart. Strengthen it in all despondency and distress. Give me strength against the persecutions of my enemies, so that I may not succumb to any temptation. Let me never be separated from you, O God. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to...
Come, O Spirit of Science! Make me see clearly how I can best serve you, promote your glory and honor, and find my salvation. Guide my inquisitiveness, that I may desire to know and know nothing that is harmful or useless to me. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be....
Come, O spirit of piety! Instill in my heart true godliness and holy love for the Lord. Ignite in me zeal for the glory of the Most High and let me be completely consecrated to your holy service. May my life, through your grace, become a perpetual prayer of praise and thanksgiving before the Lord. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be....
Come, O Spirit of the fear of God! Permeate my whole being with holy fear so that I may have God always before my eyes and carefully avoid everything that could displease your majesty. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to...
Come, O Spirit, sweet guest of my soul, stay with me and make me stay with you always!
The above prayers are said on all nine days. The Litany and a ten of the Holy Spirit Rosary may also be added.
Holy Spirit Rosary
The Holy Spirit Rosary is prayed like the normal rosary. The five meditations or phrases are as follows:
Who wants to make our heart receptive to the fullness of grace of the Holy Spirit.
Who asks the Holy Spirit to increase and strengthen in us the three divine virtues.
Who wants to strengthen, enlighten, guide, govern, lead and sanctify us through the Holy Spirit.
Who wants to inflame our hearts with the love of the Holy Spirit and fill them with the deepest humility, meekness, patience, surrender, power and holiness.
Who wants to implore us the seven gifts and the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, to bestow all good and to keep away all evil.
Short Prayers to the Holy Spirit
"Holy Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts and make us true Christians, true sons, and daughters of God."
"I cry out to you, O Holy Spirit! Take possession of my heart and fill me with your love. Guide me in all that I do and say."
A secret
By Cardinal Mercier:
I would like to tell you a secret of holiness and happiness. Silence your imagination for five minutes every day. Close your eyes to all visible things and your ears to all the noise of the world. Stop for a while and there, in the sanctuary of your baptized soul, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, say: "O Holy Spirit, you soul of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, comfort me! Let me know what I should do; give me Your instructions. I promise You to submit myself completely to Your orders and to accept everything that can happen to me according to Your permissions. Only let me know Your will."
If you do this, your life will be happy, balanced, and comforting, even in the midst of suffering; for grace will be commensurate with trial, and blessed with merit you will one day cross the threshold of eternity. This surrender to the Holy Spirit is the secret of holiness.